Our Constitution



We, the members of NAMI on Campus Towson University, do hereby establish this constitution on August 1, 2013. NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI advocates for access to services, treatment, supports, and research and is steadfast in its commitment to raising awareness and building a community of hope for all those in need; NAMI Maryland is the State Organization of NAMI. This Constitution governs the activities of the organization specific to Towson University.

ARTICLE I - Mission

The name of this organization shall be National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) on Campus Towson University.

The purpose of NAMI on Campus Towson shall be to:
1. Increase awareness of privilege, diversity, and inequality, as well as their relationship to mental health and the ability for individuals and groups to receive help services.
2. Promote the equitable distribution of mental health resources.
3. Decrease stigma regarding seeking mental health services for people of all communities.

NAMI on Campus Towson University shall endeavor to sponsor and conduct programs and activities that further the purposes and objectives of NAMI, and shall use its best efforts to ensure that such programs and activities are consistent with NAMI’s stated values and mission.

ARTICLE II - Membership

Section I

Membership shall be open to all Towson University students and must comply with federal laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, gender identity, disability, marital status, familial status, affectional or sexual orientation or veteran status.

Students must have at least a 3.0 GPA and be a fee paying student to be an active member of this student organization.

Active graduate membership of this student organization includes the right to vote and hold office. Active undergraduate membership of this student organization includes the right to vote.

Section II

Membership status is based on a membership incentive point system, which uses points to determine member voting privileges and eligibility to run for executive board positions. The membership incentive point system attaches a point value to each opportunity members have to become involved in the club. Assignment of points is determined by the incoming executive board members and are based on plans for that particular academic year.

Section III

In order to officially become a member, the student must submit all membership registration forms, accrue a minimum of five (5) membership incentive points and pay a membership fee of $10 per semester ($3 of which is to be sent to NAMI-MD for an annual membership). The remaining amount will be used for NAMI on Campus Towson University membership and will serve as a source of funding for programs and/or items not funded by the Towson SGA and GSA, NAMI or other outside organizations. If the student cannot afford this fee, exemptions may be granted at the discretion of the President. This fee will then be absorbed by NAMI on Campus Towson University itself.

Section IV

Membership with NAMI on Towson University automatically includes membership with NAMI Maryland and NAMI.

Section V

Membership registration will be accepted at any time during the academic year, so long as students meet the requirements necessary for such membership.
ARTICLE III – Executive Board
The officers of the executive board shall be the following: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Fundraising Coordinator, Secretary, Program Coordinator and Public Relations Coordinator.
Section I
The PRESIDENT will oversee all club activities, assist in program planning and development and ensure that NAMI on Campus Towson University is meeting its stated mission. The President will work closely with the Faculty Advisor and serve as a liaison between the on-campus club and NAMI Maryland. The President is expected to delegate responsibilities to the other members of the executive board appropriately.
Section II
The VICE-PRESIDENT will run meetings in the President’s absence. The Vice-President will assist other officers in their duties, as well as assume additional responsibilities as they may arise. The Vice-President is also responsible for facilitating the collaboration of NAMI on Campus Towson University activities with other established services and organizations at Towson University and in the greater community.
Section III
The SECRETARY is responsible for recording all activities and events of the club (with the exception of private exchanges during support group meetings), attending and taking minutes during executive board meetings, maintaining membership information and related paperwork and contacting members about NAMI on Campus Towson University updates and meeting information.

Section IV
The TREASURER is responsible for all financial transactions of the club, including collection of membership dues. The Treasurer will maintain current and accurate records and reports of the club’s financial matters, make budgetary recommendations and receive written approval by either the President or Vice-President for all financial transactions.
Section V
The FUNDRAISING COORDINATOR is responsible for identifying appropriate sources of funding, arranging donations of materials with local businesses, completing grant applications and organizing internal fundraising activities.
Section VI
The PROGRAM COORDINATOR shall assist in the development and execution of ongoing programs, which includes making necessary contacts on behalf of the club and arranging for meeting room space, materials and catering.
Section VII
The PUBLIC RELATIONS COORDINATOR is responsible for publicity of the club’s mission, meetings, programs, and events. They shall also assist in the recruitment of members and maintain contact with the membership throughout the year.
ARTICLE IV - Advisors NAMI on Campus Towson shall be advised by the following: Faculty Advisor and a NAMI on Campus Towson Advisory Board

Section I

The FACULTY ADVISOR shall maintain open lines of communication with NAMI on Campus Towson University, assisting in the planning of the group’s activities, collaboration of the club’s activities with already-established mental health services at Towson University, and transition of executive board members each year. The Faculty Advisor is also responsible for the NAMI on Campus Towson University Advisory Board meetings.

Section II

The NAMI ON CAMPUS TOWSON UNIVERSITY ADVISORY BOARD shall consist of a group of professionals in fields related to NAMI on Campus Towson University activities and shall provide feedback and advice regarding current and future NAMI on Campus Towson University activities. The executive board selects and appoints all advisory board members. A representative from NAMI Maryland may be a part of the advisory board. If a member is not upholding his or her duties, he or she will be relieved from the position. If an advisory board member wishes to retire his or her position, he or she may notify the executive board in writing. The NAMI on Campus Towson University Advisory Board shall meet at the faculty advisor’s discretion; advisory board members should welcome consultation by the NAMI on Campus Towson University Executive Board as needed throughout the year. NAMI on Campus Towson University maintains the rights to make its decisions independently based on the needs of the student body.

ARTICLE V – Committees

Section I

The executive board shall provide for the creation of suitable standing committees as needs arise.

Section II

Special committees must be approved by the President, but are overseen by designated officers.

Section III

Appointments of members to these committees are made by the officer in charge of the established committee. The officer in charge is also responsible for organizing meetings and delegating responsibilities to members of their particular committee(s).

ARTICLE VI – Officer Election Process

Section I

The election will be held by the general body on an annual basis no later than April of each academic year.

Section II

During a predetermined general NAMI on Campus Towson University meeting, the officers will accept nominations from the floor. Nominations shall be made either by members or by self-nomination. All nominees will have the opportunity to speak for up to 5 minutes in order to state why they feel they are the best candidates for the future executive board.

Section III

The elections will be conducted by secret ballot.

Section IV

Elections will be chaired by the current executive board, unless an incumbent officer is a candidate, in which case he or she shall not partake in the tabulation of the results. In the event of a tie, a revote will take place.

Section V

Any student may only hold one office on the executive board at a time. Executive board members may serve more than one term (one year) of office if and only if they are reelected.

Section VI

In the event of a sudden vacancy in any executive office, the remaining executive board members shall appoint an interim officer until such a time when a proper official election may be held for the office. If the office vacancy is a result of illness or extenuating circumstances, the officer may return to the position after the issue has been resolved; this applies to vacancies lasting up to 2 months.

ARTICLE VII – Officer Removal

Section I

An officer can be removed from office through the process of impeachment. Grounds for impeachment include negligence or abandonment of duty to the club, severe infraction of university policy, or any action which intentionally and maliciously harms the club and/or any of its members.

Section II

An officer may be removed from office by the following process:
1. A written request by at least 5 members of the club to the executive board stating the reasons for removal.
2. Written notification by the executive board to the officer about the request, asking the officer to be present at the next meeting and prepared to speak in his or her own defense.
3. Written notification to the membership by the executive board.
4. After due deliberation, the executive board, minus the officer in question, will present its recommendation to the general body. A simple majority vote of all members present at the meeting is necessary to remove an officer. If a member wishes to vote but cannot attend the meeting, an absentee ballot may be submitted prior to the meeting.

Section III

In the event that an officer is impeached or resigns, an election will be held for that position in accordance with Article VI - Officer Election Process.

ARTICLE VIII-Confidentiality

Section I

In order to ensure confidentiality, membership lists exist only as documentation for the club itself and for SGA records. as required by Towson University.

Section II

As part of the membership registration process, all members will fill out documentation indicating whether or not they permit NAMI on Campus Towson University to publicly use their name, photo, or other identifying means. In each instance where someone might be identified, their current wishes regarding confidentiality will be verified. Students may update their confidentiality status in writing at any time.

ARTICLE IX – Conflict Resolution

In the event of a dispute amongst members of NAMI on Campus Towson University, the involved parties shall present their case to the executive board. After hearing each side, the board shall issue a binding decision.

ARTICLE X – Financial Matters

Section I

The fiscal year will coincide with Towson University’s.

Section II

The club will not provide monetary gain, incidentally or otherwise, to its officers or membership.

Section III

In the event that this club dissolves, residual funds shall be allocated to mental health programs and services at Towson University.

ARTICLE XI – Right to Use the NAMI Name, Acronym and Logo

Section I

NAMI on Campus Towson University acknowledges that the NAMI name, acronym and logo and other NAMI trademarks, service marks, trade names and logos identified by NAMI from time to time are the intellectual property of NAMI. NAMI controls the use of the name, acronym and logo of NAMI and the club is granted a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-divisible, non-transferable right to use the NAMI name, acronym and logo and other NAMI trademarks, service marks, trade names and logos identified by NAMI from time to time for as long as the club shall exist. This club acknowledges that NAMI controls the use of the name, acronym and logo of NAMI and that their uses by this club shall be in accordance with NAMI policy.

Section II

Upon termination of NAMI on Campus Towson University, the former club members and officers will discontinue use of the NAMI name, acronym and logo.

ARTICLE XII – Independence

This club shall be independent of other organizations and advocacy groups not affiliated with NAMI and shall not share bylaws, articles of incorporation or boards of directors with such other groups.

ARTICLE XIII – Legal Compliance

Section I

This club shall abide by all applicable laws of the State of Maryland and the United States.

Section II

This club shall abide by all applicable rules and regulations of the University and under the privileges as granted by the Office of Student Activities and Deans of Students where chartered. This club shall also abide by the rules and regulations of the University and the colleges as provided by the Deans of the Colleges.

ARTICLE XIV – Amendments to the Constitution

Section I

Any proposed amendment to the club bylaws or constitution is to be presented in writing to the entire club membership at least one meeting before the meeting at which it is to be voted on.

Section II

Ratification of proposed amendments and changes requires a majority vote of all members present at the indicated meeting. If a member wishes to vote but cannot attend the meeting, an absentee ballot may be submitted prior to the meeting.

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