There will be a talk discussion event this Thursday, April 2 at 12:00 pm in the Loch Raven Rooms of the University Union. Free pizza will be provided. We will be watching the talk, "What's so funny about mental illness" by Ruby Wax, participating in a group discussion, and engaging in an advocacy and awareness-raising activity.
We would like a final head count by this Wednesday, so please send RSVP's and any questions to Gabrielle Handwerk,ghandw1@students.towson.edu.
If you are interested in an executive board position at NAMI on Campus, you are in luck! Elections will be held the dates of 4/15 – 4/22. You can run for the following positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Program Coordinator, and Public Relations Coordinator. You must be a current or incoming graduate student at Towson University to run for one of the listed positions. Email towsonunami@gmail.com if you are interested in applying for a position! Please be prepared to speak with members at our next member meeting about your interest in the position (on 4/15 at 2pm in CLA 3216)