Friday, February 7, 2014

Welcome to Spring 2014!

Hello everyone and welcome back for a new semester!

We are hard at work planning some exciting events for this semester. Here are some initial things to start off our semester:

1.) MEMBER MEETINGS- In order to allow more people to attend our member meetings they have been moved to Monday evenings from 6:00-6:45pm in CLA 4317. Mark your calendars now for the all the semester meetings! At our first member meeting we will discuss semester programming, officer elections, and participate in a discussion activity

Monday, February 17th (first meeting of the semester)
Monday, March 10th
Monday, April 14th
Monday, April 28th

2.) DUES- Reminder that NAMI membership dues are collected each semester. Please bring your $10 membership fee to the next member meeting or contact Kyle Davis ( to arrange an alternate time to pay your dues.

3.) STUDENT INVOLVEMENT FAIR- We will be advertising NAMI at the Student Involvement Fair this Wednesday, Feb 5th in The University Union from 11am-1pm. If you would like to help table for the fair please contact Kyle Davis at You will be eligible for a member point by serving at the table.

4.) ADVOCACY DAY-  Feb 5, 2014 in Annapolis. Advocacy Day is an opportunity to meet with state legislators to voice concerns on mental health public policy. Anyone interested in participating in or volunteering on Advocacy Day, should contact Renee Stainrod, Community Outreach and Projects Coordinator,

5.) MENTAL HEALTH PANEL VIDEO- Did you miss out on the fall Mental Health Panel Discussion? You're in luck because we now have it available online! Special thanks to Sara McKeen for her hard work taping and editing this video!